Archives For Favorites

Some of my favorite columns over the years.

Flag, Forge, Follow-up

joe —  Sat 19-Dec-09

About 10 years ago I realized that I was reading a lot of greatly informative books but not retaining all that I wanted. In an effort to help retain more and build it as part of my everyday life I decided I needed to develop a system.

Unfortunately all of the systems that were developed assumed you were sitting at a desk taking notes. This was rarely the case. More often than not I was in the gym on the elliptical trainer or lying in bed reading. Taking notes at that time was not practical.
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Martyrdom is Overrated

joe —  Wed 16-Dec-09

“If you are one step ahead of the followers you are a leader. Ten steps ahead and you’re a martyr.” – John Maxwell

I’ve never been a big fan of martyrdom as it usually ended in death or at least very painful suffering. Very few of us as leaders wish to die for our teams yet I have often seen leaders do just that by not staying within a heartbeat’s reach of their followers.

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