Archives For Conscious

Bliss Be Damned

joe —  Sat 31-Mar-12

Basketball ignoranceIgnorance is bliss – until you realize you are ignorant.

Ignorance, the lack of awareness or knowledge about something in particular, makes up most of who we are. We are all ignorant about most things at some level. To quote the great philosopher Thomas Dolby.

Albert Einstein nailed space/time
But the wild thing had him stumped

What is it about ignorance that is so blissful? Continue Reading…

I Didn’t Know I Knew That

joe —  Fri 20-May-11

Pig DivingInstincts are a funny thing. Some of the greatest breakthroughs in history have been the result of trusting one’s instincts yet I can’t imagine any acceptable business plan that has “my gut tells me” as part of its rationale.

Why do these instinctual feelings that seem to point to the right answer need more solid reasoning before we move forward? What if we can’t find that solid reasoning – should they be abandoned?

“Trust the instinct to the end, though you can render no reason” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

What happens when we demand reason over instinct? Continue Reading…

Want a Job?

joe —  Sun 26-Sep-10

Interviews suck.

They can be one of the most anxiety soaked events that leave you feeling spent and judged. Today, though, let’s take away a little of the anxiety by disclosing one critical thing you can do to get to the final stages of the process.

The ancient Greeks said it best.
Continue Reading…

This week has been both fun and a real challenge for me. I hope it was for you as well. It’s been interesting reading all of the private email and phone calls I get about the topics. I often wonder why y’all are afraid to post them into comments. You have some great ideas and thoughts.

That is what leads us to the subject of the last day of the Week of Living Consciously – your ideas. All of the subjects this week as well as every week come from your ideas. All I do is assemble what others have taught me over the years and try to make them accessible. I read a lot, I listen a lot and I practice a lot but there is one catalyst that has moved me further than any other, Continue Reading…

According to relationship expert John Gottman, “the best single predictor of whether a couple is going to divorce is contempt” Seriously? Not finances, sex or boredom? Nope – contempt. Continue Reading…

I’m a big fan of LinkedIn if for nothing more than the same interest that draws me to watch people at Wal-Mart – it’s a sociologist’s playground. My favorite part is when people start performing “job nesting” – you know that flurry of activity that happens when one has decided to begin a job search. Continue Reading…

Day 2 – Tuesday: Make the Call

joe —  Mon 16-Aug-10

I was talking to a friend, Jake, recently when the phone rang. When the caller id displayed the name I heard him say “I bet Steve just lost his job.” When I asked how he knew that he responded “Steve only calls me when he’s looking for a job.”

Oooh, that hurt because the reason I had asked to meet with him was to let him know that I was going to start a job search and Continue Reading…