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“Work From Home”

joe —  Sat 2-Mar-13

WFBMarissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, really ticked off a lot of people when she killed her firm’s Work From Home (WFH) policy last week. Not only were Yahooians angered, but so were many who thought it might set off a new trend.

I am not sure I have a firm stand on whether working from home is a good thing or a bad thing. But, I do believe most of us are looking at the problem through the wrong lens. If the goal is to make the better choice, we have to reframe our perspective.

If you are the one that gets to decide your team’s WFH policy, you have a big, first decision to make. Continue Reading…

Phoning It In

joe —  Sat 23-Feb-13

Why am I here againNext to Windows Solitaire, I am pretty sure the telephone is responsible for more time wasted at work than any other invention. How else can you explain the number of times we finish a conference call and make that, “well that was a total waste of my time” look?

In all fairness, meetings in general, if not executed well, have a history of wasting time. I am sure that when Ogg called his cavemen friends together to discuss how to best kill a wild beast, that there were some in the cave playing hangman on their stone tablets wondering when this meeting would end.

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Peace Be With You, Don Hall

joe —  Sat 15-Sep-12

Don and FamilyLife is messy. We try to add order to it by giving it labels and categories as if we all were handed a Dymo label maker at birth. You are probably either a Baby Boomer, Gen Xer, or Gen Yer. At one time I was a DINK (Dual Income, No Kids). Labels help give us control over the millions of variables that seep into our being.

That became more evident this week with the tragic death of a friend of mine, Don Hall. Next to loving his family, Don died doing what he loved second best, flying his plane. Continue Reading…

Dear GI

joe —  Sun 27-May-12

Girl at grave
Dear GI,

You don’t know me, and I will never know you. Yet, you paid the ultimate price so that I could sit behind this keyboard and freely express my thoughts.

Well, my thoughts today are about you. You and I may not have known each other, but we have a lot in common.

It’s about standing up for what you believe. I believe in that too. But you did more. Continue Reading…

Hope is More Than a Strategy

joe —  Fri 23-Dec-11

Hope One WayAs this year closes out I have a very simple wish for each of you. I pray that you may have hope. Great hopes. The kind that you can’t tell anyone for fear of sounding like some kind of nut job.

I am not praying that you get what you want. Looking back there are a lot of things that I wanted that I am glad I never received. I want you to have more.

I want you to believe in something; to have hope that something that seems so far fetched right now is possible.

I wish for you a drive to do the unexplainable in the name of the impossible.

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The 5 Most Dangerous Questions

joe —  Tue 9-Aug-11

Danger WIll RobinsonI think some of the most dangerous husband and wife arguments start from the simplest of questions. I’ve seen first hand the graveyard of beaten egos that came as the result of an answer that seemed harmless at first. You can tell it is the wrong answer when you find yourself asking “Did I just say that out loud?” the minute the words come out of your mouth.

So as a service to you men out there that haven’t yet experienced one of these character building sessions, let me present to you the five questions that have only one acceptable answer. Continue Reading…

In Memory of a Dear Friend

joe —  Sun 30-Jan-11

Dear Friends,

I write this column with a very heavy heart as yesterday I learned that the most gentle, kindest friend I have ever known took his life.

Candle.jpgI can’t pretend to comprehend how such a thing could happen to such an incredibly smart man except to note that life is beyond the grasp of intelligence.

I can’t comprehend how someone so kind to life could have life be so unkind to him except to discover that the Beatles were wrong and that we aren’t guaranteed to receive all that we give.

I can’t comprehend how someone that sought with all that he was to rediscover his faith would ultimately lose faith in himself.

Life cannot be described any better than what you believe in. We all believe in something, even if it is that life has no meaning. It is in that belief that forms all of our hopes or anguish.
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