Archives For recognition

Smarter Than The Average Bear

joe —  Sun 12-Dec-10

How good are you at your profession? Do you think you are the best person on your team? Top 10%? Above average?

Above Average Children.pngIf your team were large enough I believe that most of you could find someone else that was at least as good as you. I would also put money on it that the majority of you believe you are in the top 10% of that same group. From a leadership perspective this is important to understand.

A few interesting tidbits:

  • In 1981 University of Sweden researcher Ola Svenson did a study of US drivers to find out how they viewed their driving skills. A surprising 93% of the participants thought they were “above average” drivers.
  • In a Wall Street Journal poll earlier this year, 79% of those polled disapproved of the job Congress was doing and thought we should “throw the bums out.” Only 16% thought their congressman should be one of them.
  • In the town of Lake Wobegon all the children are above average.

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