Archives For Learning

Topics related to how we learn and grow.

I’m Where?!?

joe —  Fri 23-Aug-13

Early gpsIf you ever have the chance to ride in my car you will learn one thing very quickly – I have absolutely no sense of direction. This has greatly affected my bike riding. The reason my bike rides would often take three hours, is because the route was two hours. The other hour was finding my way back to the route after I had made a wrong turn. On the bright side, it’s made me a better rider.

My wife, Beth, on the other hand has amazing navigational abilities. You could put her in a city she has never been and she would be able to find any destination just by knowing the general direction and distance from where she started. No maps. It is a thing of beauty. This is why when we go on trips, I drive and she navigates.

There is one slight chink in our driver/navigator relationship armor. If Beth and I were going to a new location, say downtown, Beth would proceed to tell me every turn to make, just before we get to it. This doesn’t work for me. I want to know the route before I get in the car. I knew if I asked for the route ahead of time she would respond, “Why does that matter? You still won’t know how to get there. Just trust me.” Continue Reading…

eMail or eJail?

joe —  Sun 21-Jul-13

Lucy deleting emailEvery great movie has a memorable line that becomes fodder for the memeosphere. “If you build it, he will come” was the hot line from Field of Dreams, the 1989 classic. The line implied that by simply building a baseball field, something mysterious was going to happen.

It seems we may have adopted this adage when it comes to email.“Send it and they will read” seems to be the battle cry of millions of corporate citizens. There is a failure to recognize that the burden of communicating falls on the sender, not the receiver. If your email is not read, it’s because you didn’t make it readable. Readable emails get read – it’s that simple.

I would venture that over half of the emails I open are not readable. Most of them are too verbose, lacks an obvious purpose, have the wrong people in the sender list, or are only sent to cover one’s posterior. If I could avoid reading those, I would. Unfortunately buried deep within the bowels of some email is an important nugget of information that I need. Since I can’t tell ahead of time which emails are of value, I am forced to read the rest in frustration.

The reason I know this is because I have been perpetrating these crimes of email waste myself for the better part of my career. I am willing to bet that you have too. Here are some rules that I try to follow. Continue Reading…

I Double Dog Dare You

joe —  Sun 20-Jan-13

Wrong microphoneI am amazed at how many people want to convince me of something on a daily basis. Apparently, Manti T’eo is both a scum bucket and a naive deer in the woods. It looks as though guns are both good and bad (who would have thought?) I even have someone that that is trying to persuade me that the Hokey Pokey IS what it’s all about.

If you are one of those that would like to try and change my mind, great, I’m all ears. I will warn you up front, though, it’s very likely I won’t read what you post. It’s not the topic – it’s you.

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I’m a Big Fat Boogerhead

joe —  Mon 3-Sep-12

I Can t Hear YouThe closer we get to the election, the less I like Facebook. I am so tired of the name calling coming from all sides. I am exhausted from the vicious personal attacks all rendered in the name of one’s political party. I don’t like the pack mentality that ensues in discussing issues. I love the people, I just really dislike most of their affiliations – even my own.

Groups are like that and there is great research that demonstrates they have always been that way. We have just become more sensitive to it with the advent of always connected tools like Facebook and Twitter.

We all need to belong to a group – it is our social nature. The challenge is that groups usually develop a personality of their own, often more extreme than it’s constituents. In social science circles, this is called group polarization, and it has lead to some very dark moments in world history.
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Bliss Be Damned

joe —  Sat 31-Mar-12

Basketball ignoranceIgnorance is bliss – until you realize you are ignorant.

Ignorance, the lack of awareness or knowledge about something in particular, makes up most of who we are. We are all ignorant about most things at some level. To quote the great philosopher Thomas Dolby.

Albert Einstein nailed space/time
But the wild thing had him stumped

What is it about ignorance that is so blissful? Continue Reading…

All You Need is… Data

joe —  Sat 19-Nov-11

Brass knuckles wedding ring framedI overheard a conversation between two young women the other day. One of them had asked the other, “Wow, he finally asked you. Did you say yes?” To which the other replied, “I told him that I needed more data.”


No. That conversation never happened. But imagine the look on the guy’s face if she had given him that reply.

One of the challenges we now face is that data is everywhere and we are often paralyzed by it. We even have a name for it – it’s called “big data.” Being the resourceful creatures that we are we assume because it is available, we should use it.

Beth and I have two high school seniors that are going through the process of deciding which colleges will win the lottery known as Mommy and Daddy’s savings account. The options available are amazing. What makes it even more complex is that like nearly all high school seniors they have no idea what they want to do when they grow up. Continue Reading…

The 5 Most Dangerous Questions

joe —  Tue 9-Aug-11

Danger WIll RobinsonI think some of the most dangerous husband and wife arguments start from the simplest of questions. I’ve seen first hand the graveyard of beaten egos that came as the result of an answer that seemed harmless at first. You can tell it is the wrong answer when you find yourself asking “Did I just say that out loud?” the minute the words come out of your mouth.

So as a service to you men out there that haven’t yet experienced one of these character building sessions, let me present to you the five questions that have only one acceptable answer. Continue Reading…